VELOUR by addon+ Kara Hairbase Black LeL X^^Swallow^^ Gauged XL lel Evo X Ears (f) BOX 2 . : Mea Tenebra : . Need it SET 2 [Glitzz] Queen Necklace - Fatpack - At The Warehouse[JUSTICE] LOVE TOP - FATPACK - At CosmopolitaneXxEsS : Panties No.1 <cameltoe> (strip me) [Reborn] - At Cosmopolitan -...
no.match_ ~ NO_DELIVERY ~ Pack of BROWNS^^Swallow^^ Gauged XL lel Evo X Ears (f) BOX 2[Hipster Style] Raptor F Earrings for Swallow Gauged XL . : Mea Tenebra : . Cage - At Cyber Fair. : Mea Tenebra : . Cage - Tattoo - At Cyber Fair[ADD] Tina Set BloggerPack...
Stealthic - Cherish (Full Pack) ^^Swallow^^ Gauged XL lel Evo X Ears (f) BOX 2 . : Mea Tenebra : . Need it[Glitzz] Secilia Chocker - Fatpack - At AnthemSeniha. Aitana Set // FullFatpack - At Access[F*k.InK - I Just Cant ] ...
Foxy - Haerin Hair (Essential) ^^Swallow^^ Gauged XL lel Evo X Ears (f) BOX 2 .:E.A.Studio:.BOX Coey Earrings Swalow Gauged XL Bloggher[Glitzz] Secilia Chocker - Fatpack - At Anthem [Z O O M] Julie V. Ring SetMug - Avril Tank - Blackerratic / akira - cargo / black (unpacked) ...
S.E LELUTKA X METAL CHROME HAIR BLACK 03 Badwolf - Atropos Earrings Badwolf - Nova Set - At Cyber EventBadwolf - Hera Garter - At Kinky Event [F*k.InK - Princess ] ...
TRUTH Valiant - BrunetteRAWR! Avalon HUMAN FEMALE EvoX Earrings (add me)~Nerido~ Moiraine Short Dress-FATPACK.: CORAZON:. Tattoo GUNNAR :. - At Cyber Fair ...
DOUX - Maria hairstyle [BASIC PACK]CODEX_SAKURA EARRINGS SET Lelutka Human earsBadwolf - Tarja Set FATPACKamias - PAMMY romper pack - !WEAR ME! - At Anthem[F*k.InK - True Love ] (unpacked) ...
no.match_ ~ NO_TALE ~ Pack of BROWNSRAWR! Kitteh HUMAN FEMALE EvoX Earrings (add me) - At The Saturday Sale RAWR! Kitteh Necklace (add me) - At The Saturday Sale RAWR! Radiance Armlets (add me) - At The FiftyOutfit: : Scabdalize. MEL ...
DOUX - Hyein hairstyle [BLOGGER PACK][Z O O M] Calla Lily EarringsRAWR! Mash Up Necklace FEMALE Inc .At The Grand Exclusive[ADD] Susanna Set BloggerPack - At 13Th Street Event **UTOPIA@Design** - "ROSALBA" - At Fameshed.: Vegas :. Tattoo Applier Taira - At Uber ...
Hi. I'm Renata here in the sl world, and since I was very young I love fashion! Oh, and that was a long time ago. lol ... So it's a longstanding passion and it couldn't be any different in sl. I don't have a defined style because I like several. I go from classic to gothic and, as I am many, faces, hair, skins, eyes and accessories, I love playing with all possibilities, using creativity to combine hair, heads, skins, clothes, shoes and accessories. Good and that! I hope you like my posts. ♥