Magika - OatsMeva Darby Necklace and Neglige - At Kinky Event[Onyx] Dark Leaf Tattoo - At Tres Chic Event[Onyx] Arm Band Tattoo - At Men Only Event ...
Stealthic - Sizzle (Full Pack)RAWR! Rose ELF FEMALE EvoX Earrings (add me) RAWR! Rose Necklaces (add me)adorsy - Mila SET BUY ALL PACK - At Cosmopolitan ...
RAMA.SALON - Elizabeth Hair 'Naturals Pack'~Nerido~ Lora Top-FATPACK ~Nerido~ Dragonfly Skirt-FATPACK RAWR! Morning Star Garters (add me) Ankle Bracelets Black by Madame Noir - At The SpookzillaQueen Shoes Fatpack by Madame Noir - At Sabbath ...
Hi. I'm Renata here in the sl world, and since I was very young I love fashion! Oh, and that was a long time ago. lol ... So it's a longstanding passion and it couldn't be any different in sl. I don't have a defined style because I like several. I go from classic to gothic and, as I am many, faces, hair, skins, eyes and accessories, I love playing with all possibilities, using creativity to combine hair, heads, skins, clothes, shoes and accessories. Good and that! I hope you like my posts. ♥